Thank you again for such an amazing few days, we had the best time. The boat is beautiful, the crew were fantastic, food delicious and you both were so kind and welcoming. ❤️
July 2024

we carry a maximum of 6 guests, simply the perfect private charter boat for families and small groups
fine crafted wooden interior and beautiful decoration will make you feel like you have just boarded a vintage pirate ship
we love to have kids on board and we will keep them busy!
everything is freshly cooked by our chef who will mind your individual taste
100% MSG free & organic
(special diet options available)
ANANDA is a splendid 28 m (LOA) pinisi a wooden schooner full of character built for private charter. You will enjoy her cozy and unique atmosphere and her professional and friendly crew which is waiting to pamper you.
…expedition trips all through the In.donesian archipelago…
…whatever is in your mind,
we will bring you there in style…
Thank you again for such an amazing few days, we had the best time. The boat is beautiful, the crew were fantastic, food delicious and you both were so kind and welcoming. ❤️
July 2024
Diving in Komodo Dragon National Park aboard the Ananda was the highlight of our Indonesian trip! The restored boat was lovely. The diving was amazing. Our dive guide Engel taught us so much about diving! Your crew was friendly. And Nana meals were wonderful. Thank you for organizing such an amazing trip.
May 2024
Have been twice aboard this expressive boat. First time in march 2013, sailing from Bali to Flores and Komodo Island. The second time we went the big Komodo – round including visiting the islands with that big dragons. Both times we enjoyed snorkeling, swimming, the warm hospitality of the crew and – last but not least- the superb food on board! Sure we come again.
Dear Nana and Max,
Now back home in England, I wish to thank you very much for your hospitality during our luxury cruise on your beautiful boat.
Every member of the crew was very professional as well as very friendly.
And I very much appreciated your welcome and kindness. You adapted perfectly to our expectations, Nana treated us to wonderfully delicious meals and I enjoyed the easy conviviality of the conversation and entertainment!
Sailing on the Ananda was definitely a highlight in our journey of discovery through Indonesia!
Sending you my very best wishes and kind regards,
Claudine Renshaw
August 2023
Anfang 2018 durften wir eine Woche lang Gast auf der Ananda sein. Es waren die schönsten und aufregendsten Tage unsers Baliurlaubs. Schön, weil uns das Schiff ein Zuhause vermittelt hat. Chillen an Deck, dazu die Weite des Meeres, und der ständig blaue Himmel, der sich mit dem satten Grün der Inseln wie eine riesige, kitschige Urlaubspostkarte täglich vor unser Schiff schob. Max und seine zauberhafte Frau Nana, die uns jeden Tag mit einem 4-Sterne-Essen verwöhnte, sind uns zu lieben Freunden geworden.
Aufregend waren die Momente, als wir mit dem Schnellboot einsame Inseln ansteuerten. Wir fühlten uns wie Entdecker, die die ersten Schritte in den purpurnen Sand setzten, um sie der Nachwelt zu erhalten. Aufregend waren die Tauchgänge in diesem herrlichen Revier, das man sicher zu den schönsten auf dieser Welt zählen darf. Wir sahen Riesenschildkröten, Haie und Mantas, die majestätisch durch die Tiefen des Meeres glitten.
Nicht zu vergessen die Warane, die unserem Boot so nahe kamen, dass wir ihnen tief in die Augen blicken konnten. Streicheln wäre in diesem Moment nicht angebracht gewesen. Die Begegnung mit den Urdrachen war das emotionalste Erlebnis dieser Tour, abgesehen von den Sonnenuntergängen, die einem das Herz erwärmten.
Ein Lob und ein Dank auch an die zauberhafte Crew, die jeden Tag ihr Bestes gab, um uns die Reise so angenehm wie möglich zu gestalten.
Es war zauberhaft, wunderschön und spannend, Gerne sofort wieder, am liebsten jeden Tag.
Andrea und Gerhard aus Bremen